Experience. June 2018
The launch of the first music camp in Ural. The organizers expand January project and invite 50 students from different Russian cities.

50 musicians
From 12 Russian cities
6 tutors
From Germany, Austria, the Netherland, and Denmark
7 days
To present the tracks on the Ural Music Night festival
The project participants were separated into 3 working groups
Band, electronic producers and music business.
Every day bands were rehearsing their creative material, electronic musicians and producers were creating new tracks, and music business students were attending workshops and preparing to present their projects.

Moreover, every participant of the camp could jam, make up new tunes, rehearse new lyrics during common events.
The students created several bands, which were directed by songwriters. Together with electronic producers they presented their tracks on the venue, and music business representatives "signed contracts" with the musicians for further work.

There were everyday workshops in the camp, where speakers were talking about creating hits, promoting them in social media, booking and touring, DJs' lives, vocal skills, organization of music festivals.

The musicians presented their tracks on the Ural Music Camp venue during the program of the Ural Music Night festival. The headliner of the stage was the tutors' band – SUiT.
The concert was attended by more than 3000 people.
The musicians presented their tracks on the Ural Music Camp venue during the program of the Ural Music Night festival. The headliner of the stage was the tutors' band – SUiT.
The concert was attended by more than 3000 people.
Participants feedback
After the end of the project participants of the Ural Music Camp organized a tour of the German-Dutch Disco Dicks band.